James Wise – Balderton Capital – VC

James Wise – Balderton Capital – VC

Wise James sounds like a better name and I reckon you should change it. But then you have a name to live upto, imagine every morning people would say hi  Wise James and how good that would be for your self esteem etc. How about you change the name to Home James that would be funnier:)

home james

You can have your own car and it could be any colour you want. I suggest you have it in pink as it would standout and I reckon it would be much more fun.

pink car

I went looking for pictures of pink cars and can you believe it I found this picture of you. Checkout the guy in the middle, that is James.


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Boring rubbish

James Wise

James Wise

James is Investor and adviser to early-stage technology start-ups with Balderton Capital in London. Work across Europe to help companies where ever they can. Early backer and board member/observer @ 3Dhubs.com, C9.io, Crowdcube.com, Likecake (acquired by Canon), MyTomorrows.com, Sketchfab.com, Sunrise.am (acquired by Microsoft). Occasionally get to write about technology, business and social issues. He studied at the University of Oxford.