BGF Ventures be more adventurous guys please

BGF Ventures be more adventurous guys please

BGF, a £200 million tech fund is looking for staff………looks like the same old skill sets are need:

BORING Rubber Stamp over a white background.

Top University, MBA, strategy, private equity, investment banking….here is the job advert:

  • Experience of one of:
    • Entrepreneurial / startup / venture experience
    • Business development, strategy or product management at a leading internet / software company
  • Strategy consulting, private equity, investment banking or similar experience from a leading instituion
  • Excellent degree from top-tier university.
  • MBA helpful but not required
  • Coding skills or familiarity preferred but not required.


At what point do tech funds in the UK start looking for people who have some different background. Recruiting the same type of people and expecting the results to be different to the past is simply madness.

Someone please grow some balls:) Be adventurous and recruit someone super smart and driven who sees the world through different eyes. The variety will allow you to invest in different more interesting things and maybe Venture Capital may make some Venture like deals…rather than safe and dull

