Harry Stebbings thetwentyminutevc, Atomico should not be a VC

Harry Stebbings thetwentyminutevc, Atomico should not be a VC

Congrats to “Wor Harry:, the famous Geordie ex radio presenter:


“Wor Harry” should not be a VC and I have told him many times. He is a 20 year old who has built TheTwentyMinuteVC like a startup, he had an idea and he has hussled and ducked and dived to build it. Ever since our first chat 2 years I told him it was always better to play on the pitch than to to be a part time advisor watching from the stands.

Congrats “Wor Harrry” on being a VC as it is what you wanted, but when you get bored of sitting in the dug out welcome back to the team on the pitch.

Just think of a another great Geordie player and what happened to him after he stopped playing.


Good luck “Wor Harry”


Ps. You are going to come and see me, remember…I don’t forget:):)