Tim Jackson – Angel Investor
When not singing Jacko can be seen wandering round the parks of West London. They seek him here they seek him there is all he sings..
The photo above shows Tim in his singing days with his brothers, Tim is the one on the far right. Obviously this photo is a few years old as Tim has definitely lost a bit of hair and colour….but he can still sing baby:)
So next time you see Tim ask him for a song. This is his favourite:
See he can dance too
Tim is venture capitalist, seed investor, entrepreneur, not-for-profiteer. Formerly newspaper columnist, author, foreign correspondent, writer.
Mentor at Seedcamp, TechStars, EntrepreneurFirst, Ignite100. Partner at Lean Investments LP, Investor and Director at Network Locum, CheckRecipient, HandsHQ, Articheck, Advisory Board Member at Government Digital Service. Studied at the University of Oxford. His specialities are boat-rocking.