Archive: Ramblings

Day 20 – HK, Tak, Sherman, Coins and ICO’s

Ohh and Vomit:) Tak the man for lunch in a Michelin Dim Sum place ( here is my old article on Tak ) Then the obligatory trip across the ferry and Andy was desperate for a bar now as he missed it yesterday…..So Tak leads us to some tiny door and we go upto a…

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Day 19 – Planes, Trains and Automobiles And a Boat

Off we goto Honk Kong…….from the boat we get a taxi to Singapore to have lunch, then to the airport via taxi, flight to Hong Kong…then the train to Hong Kong Island. We arrived about 10pm, so was a long day and I have say I was pleased to get off the boat, and also…

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Day 18 – The End is Nigh

So today I started to get tired…. I normally spend lots of time by myself, with occasional bursts of being very social. I am more than happy this way and it suits my personality.  Add to it I am on a boat all day, there is loads to do, but I just like my freedom…

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Day 17 – On a Crypto Boat as Crypto Prices Collapsed

Wow what a day in Crypto land. To get you upto speed, I am currently sailing a Royal Caribbean ship off the coast of Malaysia, with 100’s of hard core Crypto fanatics and for some reason loads of over 40 year old Chinese women. An interesting mix. We have sailed from Singapore with our destination…

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Aakash Dhuna – Stanford, Bioniq Health, Flipora, Copycat, Kickback.TV, Bitcoin, Crypto

Aakash Dhuna – Stanford 2013, Bioniq Health, Flipora, Copycat, Kickback.TV, Bitcoin, Crypto A slight change for Day 17…today there will be a proper post later about the day, but I wanted to introduce to you all a sexy man/lady who I have met on the Crypto Cruise: Aakash Dhuna   The above photo is a…

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Day 16 – Penang, Malaysia

Das Boat is filled with lots of stuff, including a running track, but alas have not found time to do it today. There was a part of the Crypto Conference on the boat this morning, which was ok……bit weak in many cases except some guys from the Estonia explaining how their government was doing stuff…

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Day 15 – We are sailing

I did manage to get my run in before we headed off on the crypto cruise. Das Boat is very big ( Das Boat is a great show ) The major decision of the day was: Should we pay $57 Singapore Dollars for unlimited drinks on the boat? Andy was obviously very keen ( please…

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